Saturday, December 29, 2012

Meet my muse, "Challenge."

Quite frankly my muse is named "Challenge" and he wears many different faces. Mostly, whatever current hot actor I find yummy at the moment. Pretty men with amazing hair is what usually gets the juices flowing. I know I'm in the minority here, most women fantasize about the buff, dangerous Vin Diesel types. Don't get me wrong, there's a seriously special place in my heart for Wolverine, but mostly I'm watching the elf in LOTR thinking, "Holy hot damn!" I know, I know....not everyone's cup o' tea but what can I say? As long as it inspires me to write yummy hotness for you all, you can picture anyone you want. But I digress...this was about "Challenge."

Lay down a challenge and suddenly my mind is racing. Tell me to write a story about a piece of chocolate and I'm salivating with the possibilities. Demons, anthropologists, goddesses, vamps, werewolves...a whole world created in my head because someone said, "Here's a piece of chocolate, now go write about it." Or tell me, "Here's a word I never EVER want to see in a book..." and I'm thinking, "Damn, I could totally make that word work AND make it funny," and suddenly *poof*...Wolfwitch was born.

The latest challenge has been laid down. I don't want to ruin the surprise and tell you what it is yet, but it DID make me think of a real person I know. A woman who took in my husband during his challenging teenage years when no one else would. Gave him a home, a family...She's an honest to God Santeria priestess even. This woman DESERVES some yummy hotness! No, it's not going to be her biography...but it IS going to be inspired by some of her very interesting life stories!

But first, I must finish what I started. Some books NEED a sequel and these characters are screaming in my head to finish their damn stories already!!! Easy peasy right?

Challenge accepted.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What type of heroine do you like?

Soooo...Gynger Fyer brought up a point in her blog that got me to thinking. Basically, doesn't everyone deserve a happily ever after, no matter what they look like? Big, small, thin, fat, black, white etc...don't we all want to see a couple make it through and make it work against all odds? Limiting ourselves to one specific type of heroine really limits the amount of amazing books we read! And I for one don't think there are ENOUGH books in the whole world for me to limit myself to just one specific type of heroine! I'd have to read nothing but Scottish highland romances if I wanted the heroine to resemble me. (Think of the animated movie Brave...if she were like 10 sizes bigger you'd have me) Not that I don't love a good Scottish highland novel but...yeah, not gonna limit myself like that! There's too much good stuff to be read!

However, I do know that some women read to imagine a perfect life, or a perfect fantasy. To escape reality. They want a hero that looks like wolverine and a heroine with a kick ass body like cat woman. They simply don't want "real". That's fine. They're plenty of books out there for them. I just hope they don't ruin a really good book with a bad review simply because they don't like how the characters are described.

I've said this before. When I read a book, I frequently ignore what the characters look like anyway. I'm going to picture that heroine as me and have myself one awesome adventure! I suppose that's why I'm consciously vague in my own writings about what the heroine looks like. I just assume everyone's picturing themselves anyway! Why make it hard for them?

So tell me, I'd really like to know. What type of heroine do you prefer to read? One that looks just like you? Or one that looks just like what you WISH you looked like? Don't be ashamed, we all want to be happy with our bodies but most of us have a secret longing to look like cat woman in a tight leather outfit! hehe (No, it can't just be me!) Do you not care at all? Big and beautiful, small and's all good for you? Or are you just like me where, low and behold, thanks to your imagination, every heroine, in EVERY book, looks astonishingly JUST LIKE YOU! (Let me tell you, I've been on some AMAZING adventures!)

If you want to see the blog that inspired my ramblings, check it out here:
There is a lid for every pot

Oh, and keep an eye out...I'm going to be reviewing one of Gynger's books soon! I've been naughty and neglecting my author reviews...if we love something we need to get out there and tell people why!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

BTP Scavenger Hunt!

Thanks for showing up and playing the game! I assume you're here because you love to read...or you're like my hubby and super competitive. You just can't imagine there being a contest you're not winning! hehehe
Either way, Welcome to my Blog! I'm so glad you could join us!

Now let's get right to it, before those pesky Mayan's show up! It's simple really, just figure out the answer to the riddle then hop, skip, or jump on over to the other listed BTP authors to figure out theirs! Enjoy!

Here's your riddle:
My first is in apple but isn't in pear
My second is in looking but not in a stare
My third is in picking but not in a choice
My last is in shouting but isn't in voice
You use me for kissing, but what am I?

You've come so far and yet have more to go. Click on the BTP author's names to collect more riddle answers. Once you have all 11 answers collected email Three lucky winners will be chosen at random to receive a $10 BTP gift certificate. Contest closes at 12am 12/22/12.

List of authors: or